About Us
Who We Are
Over the years, Shibuya Hoppmann has successfully managed a diverse array of applications. With access to cutting-edge technology and a wealth of expertise, we are well-equipped to handle your product needs.

What We Do
Learn More About Shibuya
What is Dantotsu Technology?
Dantotsu is Japanese for “unique and unrivaled” and “the best of the best”. Dantotsu is the essence of Shibuya: The motivation to buy any of our products stems from the value our products offer. Our goal is to offer you the best of the best in quality, technology, environmental value and economic results through our Dantotsu technology.
Shibuya places emphasis on innovative technological development to stay at the forefront of the evolving global market. With this innovation comes Dantotsu products, such as our Aseptic Electron Beam Filling System: We are the only manufacturer in the world to have such systems in production.
Additionally, Shibuya’s Regenerative Medicine systems, such as our Bio 3D Printer and Cell Processing Isolators, have gained worldwide recognition. We are constantly improving our Dantotsu products, allowing us to help increase your productivity and reduce your operating costs.
Shibuya is globally known for its superior product line. We are in the continuous process of measuring products, services, and practices against our toughest competitors. We strive to be the best of the best – for you, our customer.
Since 1955, Hoppmann has been delivering specialized products and systems to meet customer needs with dedication to quality and commitment to service. In 1975, in response to the need for quieter, gentler parts handling, Hoppmann developed, patented and introduced several Centrifugal Feeder Systems. These versatile feeder systems quickly established firm positions throughout a broad cross-section of the packaging and manufacturing industries. This success led to new opportunities in automated assembly and production line integration.
Shibuya Hoppmann has an experienced, dedicated and diversified staff able to effectively respond to complex customer requirements. This staff of management specialists; research, design, and production engineers; draftspersons, technicians; and highly skilled craftspersons effectively implement our projects and continue the development and expansion of our line of standard modular equipment.
As system integrators, we find solutions to new problems via a structured, modular approach. This approach incorporates proven products from the general workplace integrated with our own standardized equipment. Some modules may be custom-engineered resulting from combining innovative engineering, broad industry experience, and proven design principles and methods.
Shibuya Hoppmann clients can benefit from a complete logistics program, which includes training of user personnel in systems operation and maintenance. Emergency and regularly scheduled maintenance services are also available. Shibuya Hoppmann will also recommend and supply the appropriate spare parts inventory to support our products and systems.
Shibuya Hoppmann Headquarters is located in a 12,550 square foot facility in Manassas, Virginia. Our primary manufacturing facility is located in Madison Heights, Virginia and houses our engineering, system integration, manufacturing and most assembly operations. All standard products are manufactured in this 57,000 square foot plant. Using state of the art CNC machining systems and AutoCad and Solidworks engineering drawings, Shibuya Hoppmann guarantees top quality products, and fast turnaround.
A value added dealer/OEM network was established in 1984, and now serves a global clientele base. This includes North America, Mexico and the Pacific Rim. Each dealer is factory trained by Shibuya Hoppmann in technical and product applications on a continuing basis.
In July 2005, Shibuya Kogyo, Co. Ltd. (www.Shibuya.co.jp), an industry leader in supplying packaging machinery located in Japan, acquired Hoppmann. Shibuya is a public company, founded in 1931, with a sales volume of approximately 1.3 billion dollars. Its packaging division manufactures a variety of filling systems, bottle unscramblers, washers, cappers, labelers, casers and packers, conveyors, and palletizing equipment utilizing the most advanced and cutting edge technology. It serves many markets including pharmaceutical, beverage, food, and cosmetics. With Hoppmann as a platform, Shibuya is positioned to introduce its broad range of machinery and expertise to North America and plans to become the largest packaging machinery supplier in the U.S.
Today, Shibuya Hoppmann is at the forefront of automated systems development. From parts feeders and intermittent and continuous motion assembly and placement systems, to labeling and entire integrated production lines, our successful track record in the design and construction of production machinery for the packaging and consumer products markets is unsurpassed. Working closely with our customers in evaluating and solving problems and satisfying their specific and often unique needs is our forte. Furthermore, in collaboration with Shibuya, Hoppmann strives to become the preferred packaging machinery manufacturer in the U.S.
World Wide Company
Sed non consequat lorem. Pellentesque convallis pretium ultricies. Cras tortor nibh, faucibus faucibus fringilla in, vehicula non ligula. Sed in augue in enim varius eleifend vitae sed nisi. Nam tincidunt elit at posuere condimentum. Donec rutrum nec dolor eu ornare. Morbi vestibulum ex nisl, a aliquet odio tempus dignissim. Sed venenatis, libero quis auctor iaculis, velit quam consequat felis, at euismod leo est nec urna. Aliquam sit amet mauris et arcu dictum porttitor ac nec ipsum. Nulla vulputate, est quis ultrices malesuada, dolor risus sagittis nunc, ac aliquam orci eros eget metus. Nulla odio leo, lobortis dictum ultrices eget, aliquam nec tortor. Mauris pharetra varius ante, sed fermentum est auctor eu. Donec elit nulla, dignissim sit amet congue non, efficitur consequat libero. Duis rhoncus metus eu elit convallis, vel rutrum erat finibus. Praesent non dolor non odio efficitur interdum sit amet at arcu. Aenean fermentum egestas venenatis.
Nullam pellentesque elementum urna, at sagittis lacus vulputate non. Mauris ante ipsum, suscipit id porttitor a, mollis eu nibh. Pellentesque aliquet nisi quam, sit amet ornare lacus commodo vel. Praesent vitae lacinia quam. Nam accumsan viverra sem, sed maximus arcu facilisis eu. Suspendisse in turpis eget purus dictum luctus. Nam sollicitudin turpis sit amet tristique lobortis. Duis risus ante, dapibus non mauris ut, malesuada porttitor nunc. Sed lobortis fermentum accumsan. Praesent sollicitudin urna ligula, ut iaculis lectus fermentum in. Duis tincidunt non quam et pharetra. Donec placerat, velit non venenatis ultrices, nisi velit molestie ante, vitae vestibulum felis nibh eget dolor. Vivamus ultricies enim non risus bibendum rhoncus sit amet vel ante. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut laoreet nulla eu diam rutrum viverra. Sed ex erat, bibendum vitae rhoncus sit amet, tempor nec sapien.
Aliquam rutrum diam vitae fermentum rutrum. Mauris volutpat aliquam nisi id accumsan. Aliquam vel sagittis diam. Duis cursus facilisis eleifend. Duis neque odio, laoreet id tellus ut, congue feugiat nulla. Maecenas feugiat suscipit tellus vitae convallis. Morbi scelerisque mauris dignissim molestie rhoncus. Phasellus justo metus, blandit ut sollicitudin vitae, semper ac ligula.
Nam vel iaculis nibh. In fringilla augue vitae dolor congue, vel volutpat orci auctor. Donec porta lobortis velit, vel commodo metus rhoncus sed. Proin elementum mattis nibh, a semper nulla dictum eu. Donec diam diam, tincidunt id molestie id, vestibulum ut nunc. Cras pellentesque sagittis neque in eleifend. Etiam nec molestie enim, vel lobortis elit. Donec et interdum augue, non viverra eros. Mauris posuere, turpis et faucibus viverra, metus diam cursus mi, vel aliquam quam libero id leo. Praesent non diam eget justo finibus euismod. Donec facilisis ex felis.
Kashichi Shibuya founded Shibuya Shoten in Kanazawa.
Established Shibuya Kogyo Co., Ltd. With a capital of ¥1,500,000
Opened the Mameda Factory at the site of our present Main Factory
Hoppmann Corporation founded by Kurt Hoppmann
Shibuya Purchases Hoppmann Feeder to create Shibuya Hoppmann
Kashichi Shibuya founded Shibuya Shoten in Kanazawa.
Established Shibuya Kogyo Co., Ltd. With a capital of ¥1,500,000
Opened the Mameda Factory at the site of our present Main Factory
Hoppmann Corporation founded by Kurt Hoppmann
World Wide Company
World Wide Company
Shibuya Corporation
(Listed on the first section of Tokyo and Nagoya Stock Exchanges)
Ko-58, Mameda-honmachi, Kanazawa 920-8681 Japan

North America
Shibuya Hoppmann Corporation
Shibuya Seiki Co., Ltd.
Hamamatsu Head Office
Shibuya Shanghai Inc.
Room 109, Building D, No.1733, Lianhua Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China, 201103
Shibuya Kaijo (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
115 Rompo Mansion 2FL C10 Rimthang-Rodfai Rord Khlong-Toey, Bangkok