Feeder Troubleshooting

Field Service

Feeder Troubleshooting

Symptom Possible Cause Solution
Bowl does not turn Part Jammed in Feeder Verify the electric supply to the elevator
Part Jammed in Feeder
 Air clutch is not engaged (Scallop style feed only) Check air supply; check MAC valve operation.
Bowl and disc turn; but parts jam Bowl or prefeeder speed incorrect Incorrect part Check settings. Correctly set bowl and prefeeder speeds.
Incorrect part Check changeover settings. Verify the feeder is set up for the part to be run.
Tooling or air jets need adjustment Check air jet positioning, and refer to your direct supplier’s “As-Built Tooling Documentation”
Bowl does not turn Part Jammed in Feeder Verify the electric supply to the elevator
Bowl does not turn Part Jammed in Feeder Verify the electric supply to the elevator
Bowl does not turn Part Jammed in Feeder Verify the electric supply to the elevator
Air clutch is not engaged (Scallop style feed only) Check air supply; check MAC valve operation.
Symptom Possible Cause Solution
Bowl does not turn Part jammed in feeder Lock-out/tag-out; locate and remove jammed part.
Air clutch is not engaged (scallop style feeder only) Check air supply; check MAC valve operation.
Bowl and disc turn; but parts jam Bowl or prefeeder speed incorrect Check settings. Correctly set bowl and prefeeder speeds.
Incorrect part Check changeover settings. Verify the feeder is set up for the part to be run.
Tooling or air jets need adjustment Check air jet positioning, and refer to your direct supplier’s “As-Built Tooling Documentation”
Surface of parts scuffed or scratched Particulate in feeder Clean feeder bowl and disc to clear any particulate or dust.
Parts are scratched prior to feeding Check upstream equipment and product supply.
Feed rate is too low; parts exit the feeder correctly Bowl speed set incorrectly Check bowl speed; reset to original speed specifications.
Feeder overloaded Check the prefeeder speed. Check the prefeeder’s time delay relay. Check bowl level sensor location and operation.
Feeder is “starved” for parts Make sure the prefeeder is set at the correct rate, and there are sufficient parts in the prefeeder hopper.
Air supply is off or not set correctly Check the air pressure settings. Make sure air is supplied to the air jets. If air is off, turn it on.
Product backs up into the feeder Max level sensor not operating Check maximum level sensor on conveyor for proper operation.
Product upside down exiting feeder Air jets or tooling set incorrectly Check air jet settings. Check air proximity operation. Check tooling backup ring position (refer to your direct supplier’s “As-Built Tooling Specifications” and/or changeover procedures.
Feeder stopped Safety door(s), guards or covers are open Check all safety door(s), guards, and covers for proper alignment.
Max level on output conveyor reached Feeder may be designed to stop and start on demand of downstream operations.
Product keeps turning around in the bowl but doesn’t come out Inhibit gate or inhibit solenoid not operating properly Check inhibit cylinder operations; check air setting for cylinder or solenoid

* The leveling foot has a vertical adjustment of ±1.75”, allowing for a height variation between 1.00” and 4.50”. This may alter the discharge height.


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